Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Message from British Gas

For details of a company dedicated to keeping its prices compettve, please visit-

Message from British Gas. 22nd February 2006

It's a fact... all major energy suppliers (including us) have recently put their energy prices up. npower, SWALEC, Scottish Hydro and Southern Electric customers all saw their prices rise on the 1st of January. Also, ScottishPower have just announced that they are increasing their prices too. As you may know, these increases are down to the rising wholesale cost of gas and the fact that we now have to import more gas from Europe. And if it feels like there have been lots of rises recently across the industry, it's because there have - at least one every four months since June 2004.
All this means there's been a lot of talk in the newspapers about using switching sites to find out about different suppliers. It's understandable, but there are a few things you may want to consider first.
Whilst switching sites can tell you about today's deals, they can't tell you what may happen tomorrow.

Also for details on all utilities visit-

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