Saturday, October 07, 2006

Unlock the full potential of every gallon with Super Tech

The Super Tech integrated fuel economy device brings a unique solution to a problem which has been around for as long as the internal combustion engine - how to reduce fuel consumption, while at the same time cutting emissions and therefore pollution. To try to find the answer to this conundrum, vehicle manufacturers have concentrated their efforts on modifying the engine itself and fitting sophisticated electronic controls.
Both are expensive in terms of production and inevitably lead to increased maintenance costs. Super Tech decided that a fresh approach was needed and, rather than tackling the engine's ability to burn fuel, decided to concentrate on optimising the fuel itself.
The result is the Super Tech, a low cost, self contained, easy to fit unit which works on sound scientific principles without the need for any expensive electrical or mechanical connections to the vehicle.
Maintenance free, the revolutionary Super Tech works day in day out, saving you money and helping keep environmental pollution down.
Quite simply the Super Tech solves the problem before the fuel reaches the engine and ensures optimum combustion without the need for additives.

The Super Tech represents a quantum leap in the scientific advancement of fuel optimisation.
The device consists of a diode, surrounded by and interspersed with, alternating rings of noble metals (including platinum), ceramics and other materials including magnetic elements, all encased in a perforated metal cylinder.
Once submerged, the Super Tech device has a natural catalysing effect on the fuel when submerged in the vehicles fuel tank.
Super Tech works successfully on any internal combustion engine, diesel or gasoline and can be quickly and easily fitted to any vehicle from a moped to an articulated lorry.

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